Merchant Shares is real legit company, is an international organisation officially registered as Service Merchants Corp. with the following address 8 Copthall, Roseau Valley, 00152, Dominica and the company registration number is 11861 in Commonwealth of Dominica under International Business Companies (IBC) ACT 1996. 1 Year+ (365+ Days) Running Globally Online (Business Since 2007, Lately went Globally) Around $111 Millions Invested & $72 Million Withdrawn Business Verified Company with 51k+ Members Globally 7 Days, Money Back Guarantee Invest on High Net-worth Business (sto cks, forex, commodities & web ads) Min. Invest $10 (Member need to bear the transaction cost) Daily Earning 0.25% upto 2.25% (Based on a Real Profits we make from your Funds) Total Earning up to 150% (Guaranteed Return from your Investment) Instant Withdraw min. $0.5 (Referral Commissions)/$1 (Profits) No Withdraw Charge/Fee 5% Referral Commissions (We do not promise more but we rew...