Let's Major in The Minors? Really now? Teddy Jones offers us a trenchant analysis from God's word spoken to the prophet Obadiah and through the New Testament books of Philemon, II John, III John and Jude. The fact that these books contain a mere single chapter has caused them to be easily dismissed, ignored or assumed to be minor. These one-chapter books are among some of the most neglected parts of the Bible. Pastor, Lecturer, Mentor and Theologian, Teddy A. Jones shows how inaccurate this perception is by pointing out in this exposition series, that although these books are very brief, their content was not only vitally important to their original audience, but they raise very major issues that are absolutely relevant to Believers today. Let's Major in The Minors therefore urges the need to consider them as major and debunk the prejudicial designation of ‘minor.’ They should rather be considered as pearls of great price. Th...