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Get A Steady Weekly Income

Greetings to you. In this post you will learn how to get a steady weekly income stream.

Here is video on one of our products.

Here is how Paid In Circles works.

You must obtain your membership with a Subscription purchase for 7.00.  That purchase gives you instant advertising credits to use in our system and gives you instant access to this wonderful software with state of the art back office and your own URL link to share with others.
We have several other wonderful products for you all listed in your back office.  Being a member here you can receive patronage refunds if you participate here.  When we say everyone here must participate we mean, you need to share your link with others to help us grow, or with your earnings pay it forward for others so we grow, or purchase new Sub spots on a regular basis in accordance to your earnings.
When you purchase a Subscription, it will renew automatically with this wonderful software each 7 days at the time of purchase.  These funds for this comes from the circles has you roll thru them.   You have two wallets here.  A cash wallet you can use to pif others, buy circles that are available or bring home to help you and your family.
Purchasing a Subscription is the only way to get a Circle 1 position. And then when the system renews your subs that is another Circle 1 spot for you.  In time has we grow in the future this is going to be so huge for you and everyone here.  It does take time.
Here is run down of how the circles work.
Circle 1.  When 2 members come to your circle, whether you brought them in or they come from somewhere, when they land in your circle you are paid.  The funds roll with you to Circle 2.

Circle 2.  When 3 members come to your circle you and the funds roll to Circle 3.

Circle 3.  When 4 members come to your circle you Get funds added to your Cash Wallet.  7.00 added to your subscription wallet.  And you roll to Circle 4 with funds.

Circle 4.  When 4 members come to your circle you get funds added to your Cash Wallet.  7.00 added to your subscription wallet and you roll to Circle 1 once, you roll into Circle 2 two times, you roll into Circle 3 one time, you roll into one Dream Starter Circle, you roll into one Blue Circle.   7.00 goes to your subscription wallet and your sponsor or one that paid it forward for you earns patronage refund also.

So, each subscription you buy and or the system buys for you each 7 days from the day of the week it was bought grows and grows and grows.  So, the big picture here is with your efforts and the efforts of everyone here, in time this will grow and grow.  Where in a month from now we may have 100 or more subscriptions renew each day.  I know so many of you are having hard time seeing this.  But this really has never been done before.  It is ok, you will see it in time.  Just participate here and you will see!

Blue Circle   When 3 members come to your circle here. You will roll to the Green Circle.  You will roll 1 time into the Dream Starter circle. 7.00 goes to your Subscription wallet.

Green Circle When 3 members come to your circle here you will receive funds to your Cash Wallet. 7.00 added to your subscription wallet.  The member that shared this or paid you in is given patronage refund. You will roll three times to Circle 2, You will roll two times into the Blue Circle, and you will roll 1 time into the Dream Starter Circle.

Dream Starter Circle.   $10.00 each.
When 2 come to your circle you roll to Dream Starter Circle 2.
When 2 come to your circle here you roll to Dream Starter Circle 3. 7.00 added to your subscription wallet.
When 3 come to your circle here you have funds added to your cash wallet and you roll to Dream Starter Circle once and you roll to the Dream Circle.

Dream Circle.  $30.00 each
When 2 come to your circle here you roll right back into the Dream Circle here to do this circle over and over.  And you roll to the Dream Starter circle one time also over and over and over.  And you get funds added to your cash wallet.

Do not waste any time, share your link.  If you want to pay it forward for some of our free members waiting, they would so appreciate it.  So contact us at the chat in your members area back office.  Put your name and user name and how many members you would like to pay it forward for and you will be the sponsor of them.


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