Referring is optional
Daily Roi is from *0.5% upto *2%* but varies according to Trading success from Monday to Sundays
Daily Roi is 7days per week
Average of 30% monthly returns
You are to add $19 software fee to each package, one time only.
Contract duration is 1year and you will get back your capital plus profit within 6months, you will earn 200% in total.
*A. Silver Package*
1. $100 will give you net profit of $84 + your capital,. total is $184
2 $300 will give you net profit of $252 + your capital, total is $552
3 $500 will give you net profit of $420 + your capital, total is $920
*B. Gold Package*
1. $1000 will give you net profit of $840 + your capital, total is $1,840
2. $5000 will give you net profit of $4,200 + your capital, total is $9,200
3. $10,000 will give you net profit of $8,400 + your capital, total is $18,400
*C. Platinum Package*
1.$20,000 will give you net profit of $16,800 + your capital, total is $36,800
2. $50,000 will give you net profit of $42,000 + your capital, total is $92,000
3. $100,000 will give you net profit of $84,000 + your capital, total is $184,000
*D. Titanium Package*
$500,000 will give you net profit of $420,000 + your capital, total is $920,000.
Register your account here: http://pgiglobal.trade/left/Bye2debt
Then contact me on www.TeddyAJones.com for any further assistance needed.
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